IT Hosting: When the human aspect is decisive

No matter how technical and data-driven IT projects are, in the end, it is the human aspect that counts. The ISO Professional Services GmbH SAP project in the automation industry illustrates this point once again. Even though this project almost did not come to fruition due to a misunderstanding.   

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Our customer develops and manufactures electronic and electrotechnical components and system solutions for automation technology 

At the time, the well-established company was looking for a service provider for SAP hosting and SAP Basis support to simplify its historically established and correspondingly complex system landscape.  

ISO Professional Services had already submitted a bid for this ambitious project. The customer acknowledged receipt but reacted very cautiously. A cooperation partner offered their support. The opportunity for a face-to-face meeting between ISO Professional Services and the medium-sized automation specialist occurred during an in-house exhibition. "A face-to-face meeting was important to us to gather feedback on our offer. We couldn't explain the lack of response," emphasized Kerem Dagdelen, SAP Consultant at ISO Professional Services. 


A false factual claim and its consequences  

The conversation at the in-house exhibition was very pleasant – and revealed that the medium-sized automation specialist had been deliberately misinformed by one of ISO Professional Services' competitors. Kerem Dagdelen: "ISO's hosting was and will always be based in German data centers. One of our competitors had alleged to our customer-to-be that we outsource our services to nearshore partners. That explained the initial reluctance to accept our offer." 

This enlightening conversation between ISO and the medium-sized company went so well that the previous misunderstanding was eliminated and thus created the basis for years of productive cooperation. Since the move and the successful system consolidation, 14 SAP systems with 13.6 terabytes, and 575 users, are supported 24/7. Kerem Dagdelen: "For years now, we have been working with the company in a manner that is more reminiscent of a partnership than a service relationship." 

Even when it comes to data centers, servers, and networks, the following applies: In the end, trust, openness, and understanding among the project partners are what counts. In addition to know-how and technical competence, these are decisive characteristics of the ISO Professional Services GmbH.  

Kerem Dagdelen puts it in a nutshell: "We at the ISO-Gruppe are aware of the human touch in IT projects and therefore attach correspondingly great importance to it." 

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