Preparing for SAP S/4HANA migration: Business Partner and CVI

Using SAP Business Partner in SAP ERP systems was optional as long as no applications such as SAP CRM, SAP SRM or SAP Ariba were used. Normally, the systems managed customers and vendors as separate master data objects.

This has changed fundamentally with SAP S/4HANA: The use of SAP Business Partner became mandatory. The connection between Business Partner and customer/vendor is established via the CVI system component. This ensures that every change in the Business Partner is immediately transferred to the corresponding customer or vendor master records.


How complex is the changeover to CVI?

Converting to SAP Business Partner and implementing the CVI system component is a complex process that you need to prepare carefully. Smooth integration of all supplier and customer master data is crucial to the success of the entire changeover project. The ISO-Gruppe has been supporting projects involving all facets of business partner master data for almost 20 years and is very familiar with the specifics and dependencies in the various SAP modules.  

Our advice: Introduce SAP Business Partner long before you migrate to SAP S/4HANA. These are the reasons:

  • Take the pressure off the main project: implementing SAP Business Partner in advance reduces the complexity of the main project, reducing the risk of delays.
  • Targeted use of resources: Key users and project participants can thus focus on specific aspects of the migration, which has a positive impact on the precision and efficiency of the process.
  • Adapt step by step: The staggered implementation allows companies to gradually adapt and optimize their processes, making the transition to SAP S/4HANA easier.
  • Avoid bottlenecks: An early introduction of the Business Partner distributes the workload better over the entire project duration. This prevents bottlenecks in important resources.


Would you like to learn more?

Don't underestimate the complexity of merging Business Partner

Switching to SAP Business Partner may only seem like a prelude to the actual migration to S/4HANA. However, this is where important decisions are made that have a major impact on the main process. Those who plan and prepare carefully will be pleased with the smooth integration of all supplier and customer master data. 


Recommended duplicate check before the changeover

Checking master data for duplicates before the changeover is a “must have”. This is the only way to ensure that your data is consistent and error-free. Duplicates lead to considerable problems during migration. Clearing them up is therefore an essential step in the preparation process. We offer extensive additional tooling for these quality assurance measures in particular, which is used by over 130 satisfied customers.

If you plan thoroughly and take these steps into account, nothing stands in the way of a successful and efficient migration to SAP S/4HANA.

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