Detect and clean up duplicate master data in SAP with Marlin Duplicate Check (MDC) and Material Check (MMC). Request a free online demo now.
Marlin Material Check

Effectively avoid duplicates in the material master

Marlin Material Check (MMC) untersucht in einem mehrstufigen Verfahren den SAP Materialstamm auf Dubletten. Vermeiden Sie mit unserer fehler­toleranten Dubletten­prüfung doppelte Material­stammdaten! Identifizierte Gleichteile und beseitigte Redundanzen bergen großes Einsparpotenzial.

Duplicate determination of material master data

With our Marlin Material Check (MMC) duplicate check, you can avoid duplicate material master data and optimize your warehousing. When creating and maintaining material master data, a check is carried out against the database and possible identical parts are identified. A separate monitoring function within SAP qualifies and processes potential material duplicates. Just like MDC, MMC is a modular product solution integrated into SAP.

Your requirements

Avoidance of duplicates when creating material master data
Reduction of redundancies in warehousing
Identification of common parts to increase purchasing potential
Reduction in material master maintenance costs
Error-tolerant search help to improve the search for existing master data
Clearingmonitor supports the evaluation of duplicates

Our solution

Marlin Material Check (MMC) is a modular product solution integrated into SAP. MMC checks the SAP material master for duplicates in a multi-stage process. When creating and maintaining material master data, a check is carried out against the database and possible identical parts are identified. A separate monitoring system within SAP qualifies and processes potential material duplicates.

In addition to the material master data check in the creation and maintenance process, MMC also offers a check of the entire existing material master for duplicates. The results can be successively processed in duplicate groups.

The duplicate determination of the material master data can be individually parameterized via the product's own customizing. Matrix and index settings are used to optimize the check results with regard to your material master data. Over 60 fields from the material master are available. The characteristics from the classification can also be used for the duplicate check, as well as a thesaurus and a unit converter.

We offer you an error-tolerant search aid for your material master in a matter of seconds to avoid wasting time even before creating or maintaining new material master data. The table contents of the material master data (MARA), including basic data and long text, can be searched. Similar to web search engines, you can find existing master data in a cross-field search text field and thus efficiently prevent material duplicates.

Functions and advantages

Dialog check for the creation and maintenance of master data
Inventory check recognizes existing duplicates
Clearing Monitor for fast and secure processing
Compilation of duplicates in duplicate groups
Classification according to duplicate types
Assignment by means of primary and secondary relationship
Object structure browser for displaying dependencies
Flexible handling through customer customizing
Fault-tolerant F4 search

Integrated data solutions

The Marlin Material Check (MMC) is integrated into the Marlin Data Governance Process to ensure holistic and efficient data management. Learn more about the Marlin Data Governance Process. 

ISO-Gruppe Zum Laurenburger Hof 76 60594 Frankfurt a. M. Germany

Frank Fäth

Managing Director
Zum Laurenburger Hof 76
60594 Frankfurt a. M.
+49 69 - 800 710-0

Would you like to know more?

Use our technologies for efficient duplicate checking and duplicate cleansing and benefit from optimized data management and cost reduction.
