
You are enthusiastic about technology? You like to work with computers and enjoy diversified tasks? Then a vocational training at ISO is ideal for you.

The ISO-Gruppe, with some 700 employees, is active across various industries – from aviation and tourism to data quality and SAP. Thanks to these diverse topics, a job with us is both crisis-proof and future-proof.

Let’s shape your future together!

We offer vocational training as IT Specialists for System Integration and Application Development as IT System Specialists and as Personnel Service Agent. You can find out more about our vocational training in the job descriptions.

As a trainee, you will be involved in our daily work and ongoing projects right from the start. We offer comprehensive training that promotes your strengths and interests – and provides you with everything you need to start your career.

Are you interested in joining our team? Then send us your application for the upcoming vocational training period – we look forward to it!

Job title Location Field of activity Industry
380 Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für IT-System-Management (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg IT Project Management, IT Administration, Sales Other ISO-Gruppe Trainees
379 Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker Systemintegration (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg IT Administration, Other Tourism ISO-Gruppe Trainees
378 Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker Daten- und Prozessanalyse (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg, Frankfurt a. M. Software Development, IT Project Management, IT Business Analysis Data Quality ISO-Gruppe Trainees
377 Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung SAP (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg, Frankfurt a. M. Software Development Data Quality ISO-Gruppe Trainees
376 Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg, Frankfurt a. M. Software Development Tourism ISO-Gruppe Trainees
375 Ausbildung zum Personaldienstleistungskaufmann (m/w/d) *
Würzburg Sales, Recruiting Other ISO-Gruppe Trainees
291 Ausbildung Kaufmann für IT-System-Management (m/w/d) *
Nuremberg IT Consulting, IT Project Management, IT Business Analysis Public Administration ISO-Gruppe Trainees
252 Ausbildung zum Personaldienstleistungskaufmann (m/w/d) *
Würzburg Recruiting Other ISO-Gruppe Trainees
*Only available in German

Statements from trainees


After dropping out of my previous training as a Veterinary Assistant, I started to transform my hobby, programming, into my profession and applied for an apprenticeship as an Application Developer at ISO. Before I started ...

Employee statement

... my training in September 2020, I was offered an insight into my future field through an internship, which allowed me to bridge the five months until the start of my training. 

There is a very friendly and good working atmosphere at ISO and you are immediately accepted as a full member of the team and are equally involved in the projects. Due to the flexible working hours and the flextime model, as an early bird, it is possible for me to start early and to attend various important appointments. 

My decision to join ISO was exactly right. I felt like an integral part of the team right from the start and am confident that I will successfully complete my training at ISO. 


Already in 2002 after I finished school, I wanted to begin a vocational training program to become an IT specialist for system integration. Because my family had an Italian restaurant and needed my support for some time, I decided to ...

Employee statement at the restaurant for two years and then start my IT specialist training. Unfortunately, those two years became 17 years. After 17 years, we decided to close the restaurant and I thought about what I could now work as. So, I picked up on my original plan and wanted to start an apprenticeship as an IT specialist. However, I was aware that after so many years in the restaurant business and also as a father of two children, it would be difficult to find a company that would put their trust in me. 

Thanks to an old friend from my youth, I heard about the ISO-Gruppe. He gave me detailed information about the job and so I decided to apply at ISO. Immediately after my interview in May 2019, they gave me the opportunity to do an internship and then I began my vocational training in September 2019. 

A good working atmosphere is made up of nice colleagues that are always there for you. As a family man, I think the flexible working hours are very good, because I have the possibility to take my children to school or to take care of important appointments. 

My decision to begin a vocational training program at 33 years of age was exactly right and thanks to the ISO-Gruppe, I can now make my dreams come true. I felt right at home at ISO from the very start and I have a good feeling that I will successfully complete my training. 


Contact person

Marina Rachinger
ISO Software Systeme GmbH
Eichendorffstrasse 33
90491 Nuremberg