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Sebastian Beck is the new second chairman of the DRV committee for information technology


Sebastian Beck from ISO Travel Solutions was elected second chairman by the members of the DRV committee.

He succeeds Ömer Karaca, Schmetterling International, who has stepped down as deputy due to time constraints. Together with Nicole Ludwig from LMX-Touristik and Olaf Collet from DRV, Sebastian Beck will coordinate and drive forward the topics and concerns of the committee in the future. 

This new appointment underlines the ISO-Gruppe commitment within the association to promoting technological innovation in the travel industry and ensuring that tour operators and travel agencies can always work with state-of-the-art technology.

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Travel Eichendorffstraße 33 90491 Nuremberg Germany

Sebastian Beck

International Sales Manager
Eichendorffstraße 33
90491 Nuremberg
+49 911 - 99 594-0

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