Tour operators can sell flight contingents from different airlines as their own contingents at negotiated special prices. No manual maintenance of airfares.

Simple flight purchasing processes - flight pooling with many airlines

kretschmer-markus_portrait_rgb-transparenter-Hintergrund from Markus Kretschmer

Simplify your flight purchasing processes and say goodbye to manual maintenance of airfares and allotments.

What exactly is flight pooling?

With flight pooling, tour operators can sell flight contingents from different airlines as their own contingents at negotiated special prices. The pooling contingents as well as the sold seats are permanently updated by the airlines and the tour operator. The pooling routes can also be combined as one-ways with the one-way routes of other airlines.

With the help of flight pooling, you receive your own contingents and prices from different airlines, which you can integrate into your travel products and offer as a service. Many airlines use the Midgard system for this pooling. Thanks to the ISO interface between Midgard and the ISO reservation system Pacific, you can automatically exchange all relevant data with these airlines. Other airlines with other flight pooling systems can also be connected to Pacific.


Advantages of flight pooling:

  • fully automated import of flight prices and quotas
  • reporting of bookings and PNLs to the airlines
  • no CRS costs
  • access to a large number of airlines

How does flight pooling work using Pacific from ISO?

If you use flight pooling with Pacific, the reservation system automatically exchanges all relevant data with all the connected airlines. You continuously receive the current prices and availabilities from the airlines. Pacific reads these and feeds them into all connected sales channels. Every booking you make during the day is immediately reported to the airline by the reservation system. The current data is always loaded from the airline system. In addition, Pacific receives new data from the airlines several times during the day and processes it using a cyclical background process (e.g. every 30 minutes).

Flugpooling Flugeinkauf

A few days before departure, Pacific reports the PNL data (Passenger Name List) with all passenger details to the airlines - also fully automated.

All processes run fully automatically in the background. In case of a problem, the system informs you accordingly. In summary: Pacific receives all the data automatically from the airlines using flight pooling and reports all the necessary information back to the airlines. You no longer have to maintain master data. And you save the costly process of booking through CRSs and other systems.

Automate your flight purchasing and reporting to the airlines with Pacific Flight Pooling.

Travel Eichendorffstraße 33 90491 Nuremberg Germany

Markus Kretschmer

Managing Director
Eichendorffstraße 33
90491 Nuremberg
+49 911 - 99 594-0

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